The entire CFPD Organization is firmly committed to upholding our fiduciary duties regarding assets entrusted to CFPD’s care. We take proactive steps toward protecting each beneficiary’s assets by systematically exercising the following measures:
- Monthly Account Reviews, based on a random selection, performed by an external Audit Firm.
- Annual Audit performed by a separate and distinct external Audit Firm.
- Regular meetings and oversight from our Board of Directors, Finance and Investment Committees.
- Regular meetings with our investment manager, which include the review of Assets Under Management (AUM) and market performance.
- Annual tax filings with external CPA firms.
- Multiple policies and procedures that include checks and balances that follow standard accounting practices and includes internal controls such as segregation of duties.
- Maintenance of Insurance, which includes:
- Cyber
- Directors and Officers
- Errors and Omissions-Case Management
- Errors and Omissions-Trustees
- Crime
- Umbrella